Using the Developer Portal

Obtain your keys and monitor usage at the Fastah Developer Portal

First-time use: Set your password

Upon completing the subscription signup via the AWS Marketplace product page, you will receive an email to activate your account and obtain API keys.

Please also check your Junk/Spam folder for the email with instructions on activating the account.

After setting the password, log in to the Fastah Developer Portal. to obtain your subscription's API key and monitor usage.


A password (re)set email for the Fastah Developer Portal


Changing your plan

If you wish to change or review your existing Fastah API plan to better suit your API call volumes, visit the product listing on AWS Marketplace.

Monitoring API volume

Determine your recent API volumes under the "Reports" tab at the Fastah Developer Portal.


Checking your call volumes, success and error rates, and more

Whatโ€™s Next

You are now ready to make your first API call!