Privacy and Security guide
Commonly asked questions about Fastah IP Geolocation API
What data does Fastah store on its servers when the IP Geolocation API is called?
We store the source IP address of the API call, authorization key (associated with your business account), timestamp, the URL parameters of the API request, including the IP address in the request payload, and the HTTP return code sent back by Fastah servers.
We may also store performance data, such as API latency durations.
For accounts that intend to use our REST APIs for browser-originating requests (using JavaScript), we may store specific additional fields of the HTTP request header, such as the “Host” field that is required for secure Cross-Origin Request Sharing (CORS) access. The ability to allow only specific hosts to serve content for your API key may be requested via an email sent to [email protected].
Fastah strictly avoids data logging not explicitly related to security, access control, and quality improvements.
How long does Fastah retain API invocation logs?
The default log retention policy is 30 days.
What are Fastah internal practices related to security and privacy?
We regularly review security practices in-house. We minimize data logs unless otherwise identified to the business customer or end-user. We also educate our engineers and staff on the sensitivity of data protection, user privacy matters, and root cause analysis techniques that lead to high-quality software and seamless product operations.
Updated about 1 month ago